For a business that handles even the most complex and challenging photocopier logistics and IT removals jobs, our proposition is remarkably simple.
We cover every stage of getting your equipment to where it needs to go, and everything that has to happen to it when it gets there.
So, we pick up, deliver, and store. We commission, decommission, and recommission, so your valuable machines are prepared for travel, and up and running quickly once they arrive.
And when your machines reach the end of their useful life, we recycle and dispose of them.
In fact, whether your photocopiers and other high-value equipment are brand new and need delivering, in use and need relocating, or elderly and ready for retirement, we take care of any or all of it expertly, quickly, cost-effectively.
We offer a full service that covers collection, relocation, and installation.
And when your photocopiers are in the hands of our trained and xperienced team, in our specially padded and equipped vans, they’re in safe hands.
Find out more about how we make your photocopier logistics and relocation go swimmingly here.
Handling server and IT equipment logistics is all part and parcel of the service we pride ourselves on delivering.
But many other high-value, sensitive items are in scope, too, including vending machines, medical and exhibition equipment, and more.
Find out more about how we make it easy for you to move more than just photocopiers here.
We love our work, and we love talking about it.
But we also understand that it’s what our customers say about us that counts most if you’re looking to use our photocopier logistics, photocopier relocation, and IT removals services for the first time.
So, feel free to read what they’ve said about us and the services we provide, in their own words, on our Testimonials page.
More information under the Services
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Specialists in the secure transport and storage of photocopiers, IT, and other high-value equipment – including delivery, collection relocation, recycling, and disposal.